Apergillus niger stock list of strains sent to FGSC                              May, 2005

                                  (= remaining A. niger  strains of E. Kafer, Simon Fraser Univ., BC, Canada,

                                                     that were not previously available from FGSC).


All listed strains originate from FGSC A733 = N402, cspA1, of CJ Bos and Fons Debets


Our              G e n o t y p e                                          Origin*

sg. #                                                                                                                          (EK 2n, mutation)

                                                                                                                                                FGSC #


EK31      cspA1; pyrG6 (was originally called pyrA6)                                                N593*

EK49      cspA1; olvA1; adeA1                                                          (N770*CJBos?)=N478*=A886?

EK52      cspA1; hisD4; adeG13                                                                               N733*

EK55      cspA1; acrA1 brnA2; arg(EK-1 on III); nicA1                                     UV of N724*=A909

EK56      cspA1; acrA1 brnA2; nicA1 met(EK-2 onV)                                        UV of N724*=A909

EK57      cspA1; acrA1 brnA2; nicA1 ni(EK-1 on II,VII or VIII)                        UV of N724*=A909

EK58      cspA1; olvA1; bioB2; cnxB3 arg(EK-2)                                             DEO of N699*=A901

EK59      cspA1; fwnA1; choA101; pdxA2; arg(EK-3)                                                UV of EK132

EK60      cspA1; fwnA1; choA101; pdxA2; cys(EK-3)                                                UV of EK132

EK79      cspA1; leuE11 xkiA1; nicA1                                                                       N684*

EK108    cspA1; fwnA1; lysA7; ni(EK-1)                                                                          2n (14.2.24)

EK112    cspA1; (acrA1‡) brnA2; choA101; nicA1; pdxA2; trpB2                                    2n (02.2.21

EK113    cspA1; (acrA1‡) brnA2; choA101; nicA1; pdxA2; trpB2                                    2n (02.1.17)

EK114    cspA1; (acrA1‡) brnA2; choA101; leuA1; cnxC5; trpB2                                     2n (02.1.15)

EK115    cspA1; fwnA1; cysA101; nicA1; pdxA2; cnxC5; trpB2                                       2n (03.2.13)

EK116    cspA1; (acrA1‡) brnA2; leuA1; met(EK-2 on V) nicA1                                      2n (04.3.19)

EK117    cspA1; (acrA1‡) brnA2; arg(EK-1 on III); leuA1; nicA1                                     2n (12.3.17)

EK118    cspA1; fwnA1; choA101; nicA1; pdxA2                                                             2n (02.1.12)

EK119    cspA1; (acrA1‡) brnA2; argH12; choA101; nicA1; pdxA2; cnxC5; trpB2           2n (02.3.20)

EK120    cspA1; fwnA1; lysA7; leuA1; nicA1                                                                    2n (02.2.20)

EK121    cspA1; fwnA1; ; argH12; lysA7 choA101; leuA1; nicA1; cnxC5;                        2n (02.3.15)

EK122    cspA1; (acrA1‡) brnA2; adA1                                                                            2n (07.2.18)

EK123    cspA1; (acrA1‡) brnA2; choA101; adA1                                                            2n (07.3.7)

EK124    cspA1; olvA1; choA101; adA1                                                                           2n (07.2.24)


EK130    cspA1; olvA1; fpaC17; adeA1                                                                   N783*

EK132    cspA1; fwnA1; choA101; pdxA2                                                                        2n (06.1.9)

EK133    cspA1; (acrA1‡) brnA2; choA101; pdxA2                                                          2n (06.1.20)

EK135    cspA1; (acrA1‡)) brnA2; nicA1; niaD2                                                               2n (08.1.1)

EK136    cspA1; (acrA1‡)) brnA2; choA101; arg(EK-2) cnxB3                                        2n (24.1.1)

EK137    cspA1; olvA1; bioB2; arg(EK-2) ) cnxB3; pdxA2                                               2n (24.3.21)

* Strains of CJ.Bos  or Fons Debets,

  acrA1, in coupling with brnB2, likely is present, but has not been retested.

Our                                            G e n o t y p e                           Origin*

sg. #                                                                                                                          (EK 2n, mutation)

                                                                                                                                                FGSC #


EK139    cspA1; (acrA1‡) brnA2; choA101; ntrB3; metB11; pdxA2; oliC2; crnB12          2n (23.3.23)

EK142    cspA1; olvA1; lysA7; pdxA2; niaD2                                                                    2n (16.2.1)

EK143    cspA1; fwnA1; argH12; choA101; ntrB3; metB11; pdxA2; crnB12                     2n (23.6.3)

EK144    cspA1; fwnA1; argH12; choA101; (±ntrB3); nicA1; pdxA2; oliC2; trpB2           2n (23.6.2)

EK145    cspA1; (acrA1‡)) brnA2; argH12; choA101; ntrB3; metB11; pdxA2; oliC2; trpB2 (23.6.7)

EK146    cspA1; fwnA1; leuA1; pdxA2                                                                             2n (16.2.19)

EK147    cspA1; fwnA1; choA101; pdxA2; lys(EK-1)                                                 UV of EK132

EK148    cspA1; fwnA1; choA101; pdxA2; his(EK-1)                                                 UV of EK132

EK150    cspA1; fwnA1; choA101; pdxA2; met(EK-4)                                               UV of EK132

EK151    cspA1; fwnA1; pyrG5; metB11; lysD25; crnB12                                                2n (23.5.7)

EK152    cspA1; (acrA1‡) brnA2; pyrG5; (±ntrB3); metB11; pdxA2; trpB2                     2n (23.6.23)

EK153    cspA1; fwnA1; pyrG5; (±ntrB3); nicA1; pdxA2; trpB2                                      2n (23.6.24)

EK154    cspA1; fwnA1; pyrG5; (±ntrB3); nicA1; trpB2                                                   2n (23.7.21)

EK155    cspA1; (acrA1‡) brnA2; pyrG5; (±ntrB3); nicA1; crnB12                                  2n (23.8.18

EK156    cspA1; (acrA1‡) brnA2; argH12; pyrG5; ntrB3(90%); nicA1 metB11; cnxC5(90%); trpB2

                                                                                                                                         2n (25.1.21)

EK158    cspA1; fwnA1; argH12; pyrG5; ntrB3; metB11; cnxC5(90%); crnB12(90%)  2n (25.3.3)

EK159    cspA1; fwnA1; pyrG5; ntrB3(90%); nicA1; lysD25; cnxC5; crnB12(90%)            2n (25.3.18)

EK160    cspA1; fwnA1; argH12; pyrG5 choA101; ntrB3; metB11; cnxC5(90%); crnB12(90%)

                                                                                                                                         2n (25.1.2)

EK161    cspA1; fwnA1; choA101; pdxA2; ni(EK-2)                                                  UV of EK132

EK162    cspA1; fwnA1; choA101; pdxA2; ad(EK-1)                                                 UV of EK132

EK165    cspA1; fwnA1; choA101; pdxA2; chlr(EK-2)                                                UV of EK132

EK166    cspA1; fwnA1; choA101; pdxA2; chlr(EK-1)                                                UV of EK132

EK170    cspA1; (acrA1‡) brnA2; fpaD19; choA101; metB11; oliC2; crnB12                  2n (31.1.13)

EK171    cspA1; (acrA1‡) brnA2; fpaD19; lysA14; ntrB3; metB11;oliC2                         2n (31.2.12)

EK172    cspA1; fwnA1; argH12; choA101; metB11; pdxA2; crnB12                              2n (31.3.7)

EK173    cspA1; fwnA1; fpaD19; choA101; metB11; pdxA2; oliC2; crnB12                    2n (31.11.15)

EK174    cspA1; fwnA1; fpaD19; lysA14; ntrB3; oliC2; crnB12                                       2n (31.11.19)

EK175    cspA1; (acrA1‡) brnA2; fpaD19; choA101; metB11; oliC2; crnB12                  2n (31.11.24)

EK176    cspA1; fwnA1; argH12; ntrB3; metB11; pdxA2; oliC2; crnB12                          2n (31.15.21)

EK177    cspA1; (acrA1‡) brnA2; fpaD19; choA101; metB11; pdxA2; oliC2                   2n (31.2.6)

EK178    cspA1; fwnA1; fpaD19; lysA14; ntrB3; metB11; oliC2                                       2n (31.4.5.)

EK179    cspA1; fwnA1; fpaD19; choA101; ntrB3; metB11; oliC2                                   2n (31.7.2)

EK180    cspA1; fwnA1; fpaD19; lysA14 choA101; ntrB3; metB11; oliC2                       2n (31.8.8.)

EK181    cspA1; fwnA1; fpaD19; choA101; metB11; pdxA2; oliC2; crnB12                    2n (31.8.8.)




Our              G e n o t y p e                                            Origin*

sg. #                                                                                                                          (EK 2n, mutation)

                                                                                                                                                FGSC #



EK182    cspA1; fwnA1; pyrG5; metB10                                                                          2n (41.5.2)

EK183    cspA1; fwnA1; pyrG5; metB10; nicB5                                                               2n (41.4.7)

EK184    cspA1; brnA2; pyrG5; metB10; nicB5                                                               2n (41.5.5)


EK185    cspA1; acrA1 brnA2; pyrG5; pdxA2; nicB5                                                      2n (41.2.8)

EK186    cspA1; fwnA1; pyrG5; pdxA2; nicB5                                                                2n (42.1.10)

EK188    cspA1; acrA1 brnA2; pyrG5; nicB5                                                                   2n (42.5.4)

EK190    cspA1; acrA1 brnA2; pyrG5; niaD2                                                                   2n (43.7.5)

EK193    cspA1; acrA1 brnA2; fpaD19; choA101; metB11; pdxA2; oliC2; crnB12          2n (32.5.11)

EK195    cspA1; acrA1 brnA2; lysA14; (ntr+?); metB11; pdxA2; nicB101                        2n (37.5.4)

EK197    cspA1; fwnA1; fpaD19; (ntr+?); metB11; oliC2; nicB101                                   2n (37.4.2)

EK198    cspA1; fwnA1; choA101; ntrB3(?); metB11; oliC2; nicB101                              2n (37.1.4)

EK202    cspA1; acrA1 brnA2; lysA14; thiB101                                                               2n (36.3.1)

EK203    cspA1; fwnA1; choA101; thiB101; metB11; pdxA2; oliC2                                 2n (36.1.17)

EK204    cspA1; acrA1 brnA2; choA101; arg(EK-3); ntrB3; metB11                               2n (35.1.5)

EK205    cspA1; fwnA1; choA101 lysA14 arg(EK-3); ntrB3; metB11; pdxA2                  2n (35.1.6)

EK206    cspA1; fwnA1; fpaD19; choA101 arg(EK-3); metB11; oliC2                             2n (35.3.3)

EK207    cspA1; acrA1 brnA2; choA101 arg(EK-3); metB11; pdxA2                              2n (35.2.3)

EK208    cspA1; fwnA1; choA101 lysA14;  metB3; pdxA2; ni(EK-1)                              2n (28.3.18)

EK212    cspA1; fwnA1; argD6; metB11                                                                          2n (48.1.20)

EK220    cspA1; fwnA1; fpaD19; choA101; sftC101                                                       2n (52.2.6)

EK227    cspA1; acrA1 brnA2; fpaD19; choA101; lysA14; ntrB3 thioB101; pdxA2; oliC2; crnB12


EK228    cspA1; fwnA1; fpaD19; choA101; metB11; pdxA2; oliC2                                 2n (51d.4.18)